The Spring Equinox is the time when day and night are equal, making it the perfect opportunity to merge the celestial forces of the Sun (light, growth, vitality) and the Moon (introspection, intuition, transformation).
The SpringEquinox (Vernal Equinox) happens on March 20, 2025and is the celebration of fertility, longer days, new crops, and new ideas. Winter has served her purpose, as an incubator of dreams, and now we shed her cloak and step bravely into the future.
All your dreams that you have been sitting on during the winter season are ready to take action, the seeds have been planted and it is now time to take action and do the work to make your plants grow.
I love theEquinoxso much because it feels like the start of a race, it is the official start time of your goals this year. Nothing can hold you back, its time to go!Celebrate theEquinoxas the beginning of something new!
The Spring Equinox in 2025 will occur on March 20.